Skylar trying on her outfit for the fashion show #toomuchfilter |

Whenever the local junior league puts on the American Girl Fashion show, Skylar is too tall or "big"/... all 5'6 114 lbs of her. I am not even sure they still make size 16/18 girls or older girls clothes which is really disappointing as Skylar is only 12 and I believe the dolls are targeted for 8 and up. Anyways off topic really. There are days where Skylar discusses modeling opportunities but there are times when I think she would prefer to be behind the camera and isn't quite girlie enough to make it in the modeling world even though she is built for it. One of our local malls held a Fashion Camp. They not only gave her some model training but also took her to many of the stores in the mall taught them about make up and how to put a great outfit together and many other fashionista tips.. She got a lot of giveaways for attending camp including a $25 gift card.. So fun she enjoyed it and ended her day with a fashion show at Belk in which she walked the runway...Her second runway show
To spend her $25 gift certificate she stopped into Icing (owned by Claires or vice versa) and I spotted some great Grace treasures.. So look locally in your store to find some cute things...
Great little bakery case for the bakery or if you don't like the $500 price tag and want to make your own :)
Tiny little Eiffel towers and a doll sized travel case :) LOVE Paris right?