Skylar's birthday is in October... So upon planning her birthday we asked her would you like to go to Atlanta and see your best friend Carri and maybe go to the American Girl store? Or would you like to have a party with your friends here? She didn't want to make a choice. Frankly finances and schedules kept us home for her birthday. Then I had a plan for Christmas I bought a doll sized suitcase. Rick and I had booked a special hotel room in Atlanta for 12/31-1/1 we put the paper work and all the hints in the suitcase that for her Christmas/Birthday gift she got to go to Atlanta for the new doll release...
12/30 we arrived in Calhoun where my best friend Jennifer lives (and Jennifer is the mother of Skylar's best friend Carri) and we stayed over night there and spent time with some of my favorite people in the world. Then the next day we headed down to the suburb of Atlanta that has the American Girl store.. We had to pass the store to get to the hotel so I was shielding her eyes and then the jig was up when she had to check in to her OWN room at the American Girl suite...
Checking in to the American Girl Suite
The room had goodies just for her!
Ticket to the AG Movie |
a room full of pink even the towels and it even has a doll sized bed! |
VIG room key |
We decided okay so maybe Skylar and I were way too excited that we couldn't wait one more day to go into the store. I suspected 1/1 would be a busy day for the store so we went to look around the store and take pictures on 12/31 to just get a sense of everything so we would know where everything is etc... Of course friends who had never been either wanted me to fully document the trip so I took lots of pictures for everyone and let Skylar loose with her own camera... William and Rick were troopers but did get bored and ended up going to the Lego store and Rick was a spoiled sport not happy about spending his birthday in doll world LOL
Atlanta is my home I lived there most of my life and I will never decline a trip back but American Girl is opening a store much closer in Nashville.. so I hate to tell my husband that there will be lots of releases in my future!

Girl of the Year 2013 Saige Copeland! |
We live in a consumerist nightmare.